Michael Cochez

Assistant Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

TIES456 - TIES532

Autumn I 2014 Check here for the latest edition

TIES456 - Introduction to SOA and Cloud Computing, 5 ECTS

TIES532 - Service oriented architectures and cloud computing for developers, 5 ECTS



In order to receive the five credits of the course, students should (after the first week in a group) work on each of these assignments. The deadline of the assignments is on Monday at midnight (23:59) every week.

Advanced Exercises (TIES532)

Students want to receive 5 credits for the TIES532 course, have to complete one of the advanced exercises, either individually or in a pair if the exercise explicitly mentions this possibility. Students who only finish the advanced exercises without participating in the TIES456 course will not receive any credits!

Note: students who took TIES532 Software Oriented Architectures and Cloud Computing before 2013 with less as 10 credits can get additional credits for TIES532 (in total maximum 10 credits)


  • Tasks will be made available during the TIES456 course.
  • There are no specific demo sessions planned. Questions can be asked during the TIES456 demo sessions.
  • The student has to come and show the completed work before the end of November, at the time agreed with the teacher.
    • The finalized work must be in the repositories 24 hours before the meeting.


The student has to complete one of the the following exercises.

Thesis topics

There are several topics related to SOA and Cloud Computing which can be used as a Master thesis topic. Ideas include:

  • Most modern servers will use some form of in memory caching to reduce the number of lookups on the database. A common solution for this is the use of memcached, a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. This technology is used in very popular websites like Wikipedia, Flickr, Twitter and Youtube. Recently (July 2013) a new proposal was published which tends to improve certain aspects of the memcached approach. This new approach is called groupcache. The biggest difference is that the groupcache is itself responsible for loading values when a cache miss occurs. In the thesis work the student would research history of distributed caching (mainly modern caching for web servers, etc.), in particular both models described above and describes their theoretical properties. Further, the students makes a comparison between both approaches, depending on the system characteristics. The topic can be adapted to the interests of the student.
  • Paxos is a protocol used to ensure the finding of a consensus about something between a group of computers. A thesis work related to this algorithms is possible.
  • Docker is a new way of managing container virtualization. You can make thesis in which you compare different options for virtualization, compare and experiment with their properties.
  • More later …own ideas welcome.
