Autumn 2014
TIES456 Introduction to SOA and Cloud Computing, 5 ECTS
TIES532 - Service oriented architectures and cloud computing for developers, 5 ECTS
- Work of week 39
- Next weeks exercise
- Advanced tasks
Submission week 39 (1-3)
- Group 1
- ~Accepted
- if shown documentation for JSON streaming
- Group 2
- Correct error handling (no
and ""
- No website found (together with week 40?)
- Group 3
- There is a cache implementation, but it is not used …
- Remove unused things (country code solver)
- Use XML for communication between your server and website.
Submission week 39 (4-6)
- Group 4
- What is the huge (70M) zipfile in your repo?
- Your README contains information from external sources without references.
- Caching seems somehow implemented, but not used.
- The resource is not streaming.
- Correct error handling (no
and ""
- Group 5
- Some answers to reflective questions missing, but
- Accepted
- Group 6
- No project structure in repo. Very difficult to find out what is where. Some classes are missing and some in wrong packages, etc.
- Not checked thoroughly.
Submission week 39 (7-9)
- Group 7
- Using a hashmap for a cache will not do the job. (really)
- Concurrent access
- Eviction after a given time
- Website and test for REST service missing
- Group 8
- Cache missing
- SOAP server missing
- REST server does not use streaming. (Your XML creation seems, surprisingly, correct)
- Website missing
- Group 9
- Accepted
- Weird use of OpenInfoWindowOnMarkerClickListener
Submission week 39 (10-12)
- Group 10
- SOAP parts missing
- README file not found.
- Group 11
- ~Accepted
- a small mistake in the cache implementation has to be corrected.
- Group 12
- ~Accepted,
- non thread-safe implementation of caching should be corrected.
- Small mistake in streaming, renders it useless.
Submission week 40
Not checked yet, but …
First taste of PaaS - what went wrong? - Some random commit messages from last year
- deleted gae
- ****
- **** this
- new version for GAE, works at least locally
- GAE server side fix. Country is now returned and displayed properly but GDP values seem to be at least partially broken.
- Changed to older jersey & jackson version, but still not working. Got the rest interface up though, but for some reason the calls to the google maps api are failing in GAE. GAE is crap.
First taste of PaaS - what went wrong?
- Toolchains does not work well together
- Maven fighting with Ivy fighting with GAE
- Outdated toolchain might just work (GAE)
- …
- XPath failed on GAE in the past, worked locally
- Java 7
- Libraries not compiled for Java 7
- Mac needs 64 bits for Java 7
- Apache http client uses things for which you have to pay on GAE, some wsimport versions seemed to generate code which uses restricted classes in GAE
- etc …
First taste of PaaS - what was easy?
First taste of PaaS - what was easy?
- It worked much smoother this year, compared to last year …
How to get things working?
- Try things …
- Read documentation
- Make your toolchains compatible
- development environment in a Virtual machine which someone else has configured already
- Downgrading libraries
- Google Cloud Endpoints
- Change technology e.g. restlet
Some code
Next 2 weeks - Cloud computing - System administration - NoSQL servers
Advanced assignments [TIES532]
This week
- Before Thursday
- Read prerequisite material
- Before Friday (23:59)
- Make corrections to last week’s exercise
- On Thursdays and Mondays
- Make the assignment in groups
- Before Monday in two weeks (23:59)
- Submit assignment using git (tip of master branch) - see task.